Songwriter Splits & Royalties Crash Course

Learn everything about splits in music, how they impact your royalties, and best practices to get splits right the first time.

Discover Why Splits In Music Are So Important

Sign up for our new Splits & Royalties Crash Course to learn everything you need to know about songwriter splits for music, one of the most common roadblocks to collecting publishing royalties. This free crash course will offer our collection of expert resources, articles, and videos to teach the importance of split agreements when you collaborate on songs, how splits impact your royalties in the long run, and best practices to prevent mistakes when registering your songs with pay sources:


An Introduction to Split Sheet Agreements


Real-World Examples of Songwriter Splits


Expert Articles & Exclusive Resources Including Our New Ultimate Split Sheet For Songwriters


Access To Our New "All The Ways Splits Can Go Wrong" Webinar

Exclusive Webinar: "All The Ways Splits Can Go Wrong"

Are you a career musician who relies on royalty income from your songs? Then sign up to get access to our new, on-demand webinar, “All the Ways Splits Can Go Wrong,” where you will learn the best ways to secure your song ownership with split agreements, get a behind-the-scenes look at how split conflicts can stall royalty collections, hear real-world horror stories from popular artists in the music community, access our exclusive Ultimate Split Sheet for songwriters, and discover how to avoid common problems that creators encounter when they collaborate. 

Infographic showing how incorrect splits enter during song registrations disrupts royalties among all songwriters

How Do I Collect My Split of Publishing Royalties?

To collect your share of publishing royalties, you must register with a PRO, publisher, or publishing administration. However, some PROs only collect performance royalties, not mechanical royalties. And publishers and labels typically take partial ownership of songs and royalties earnings. This is why many independent artists choose publishing administration with Songtrust, to collect publishing royalties worldwide without losing copyrights.

Infographic showing how a publishing administrator distributes royalties received to songwriters
TOR SJOGREN - Independent Artist and Producer - Songtrust Client testimonial

“Songtrust has helped me understand and simplify the royalty registration and collection process, which has been immensely helpful as an independent artist!”


Independent Artist and Producer

Register For The Songwriter Splits & Royalties Crash Course