Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 07-Aug-2024
Last Updated: 07-Aug-2024

What are cookies?

How do we use cookies?


Types of Cookies we use



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We charge a one-time, $100 fee per songwriter. Not an annual or per-release fee - a one-time fee, with no limit to the number of songs. This enables us to do our valuable up-front catalog management work for you. More details here.


We charge a one-time, $100 fee per songwriter. Not an annual or per-release fee - a one-time fee, with no limit to the number of songs. This enables us to do our valuable up-front catalog management work for you. More details here.


We charge a one-time, $100 fee per songwriter. Not an annual or per-release fee - a one-time fee, with no limit to the number of songs. This enables us to do our valuable up-front catalog management work for you. More details here.


We charge a one-time, $100 fee per songwriter. Not an annual or per-release fee - a one-time fee, with no limit to the number of songs. This enables us to do our valuable up-front catalog management work for you. More details here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your Performing Rights Organization (PRO) collects performance royalties in its home territory. While they are able to collect international royalties, they do so through reciprocal deals with foreign PROs which often result in delayed registrations, if the songs are able to get registered at all. This can also cause delayed and incomplete royalty statements from foreign territories.

    We register your works directly with PROs around the world in order to collect your royalties directly from the territories in which they were generated. This helps you get paid quicker, and receive more detailed royalty statements.

    In addition, your PRO does not collect mechanical royalties generated from sales/streams. We are affiliated with mechanical collection societies and directly with some digital services in order to collect your mechanical royalties internationally.

    Check out a current list of our global collection list here

  • Your Performing Rights Organization (PRO) collects performance royalties in its home territory. While they are able to collect international royalties, they do so through reciprocal deals with foreign PROs which often result in delayed registrations, if the songs are able to get registered at all. This can also cause delayed and incomplete royalty statements from foreign territories.

    We register your works directly with PROs around the world in order to collect your royalties directly from the territories in which they were generated. This helps you get paid quicker, and receive more detailed royalty statements.

    In addition, your PRO does not collect mechanical royalties generated from sales/streams. We are affiliated with mechanical collection societies and directly with some digital services in order to collect your mechanical royalties internationally.

    Check out a current list of our global collection list here

  • Your Performing Rights Organization (PRO) collects performance royalties in its home territory. While they are able to collect international royalties, they do so through reciprocal deals with foreign PROs which often result in delayed registrations, if the songs are able to get registered at all. This can also cause delayed and incomplete royalty statements from foreign territories.

    We register your works directly with PROs around the world in order to collect your royalties directly from the territories in which they were generated. This helps you get paid quicker, and receive more detailed royalty statements.

    In addition, your PRO does not collect mechanical royalties generated from sales/streams. We are affiliated with mechanical collection societies and directly with some digital services in order to collect your mechanical royalties internationally.

    Check out a current list of our global collection list here

  • Your Performing Rights Organization (PRO) collects performance royalties in its home territory. While they are able to collect international royalties, they do so through reciprocal deals with foreign PROs which often result in delayed registrations, if the songs are able to get registered at all. This can also cause delayed and incomplete royalty statements from foreign territories.

    We register your works directly with PROs around the world in order to collect your royalties directly from the territories in which they were generated. This helps you get paid quicker, and receive more detailed royalty statements.

    In addition, your PRO does not collect mechanical royalties generated from sales/streams. We are affiliated with mechanical collection societies and directly with some digital services in order to collect your mechanical royalties internationally.

    Check out a current list of our global collection list here